Consuming Campaign Requests

Traverse is able to send you a notification when we recognize visitors to your website. We make a campaign request to an endpoint you control with the data we have available for that individual.

Real-time campaign-request listener

To receive campaign requests in real-time, create an HTTPS listener and let us know the URL.

We will POST JSON objects with the following properties to the URL:

Parameter Description
campaignId Campaign ID
emailMd5Lower MD5 hash of trimmed, lowercased email address
emailSha1Lower MD5 hash of trimmed, lowercased email address
listIds a list of which list ids of yours the hashes are on, if any
advertiserProperties Custom advertiser properties (advanced)

For example:

  "campaignId": "6a11644c-690d-4bf3-bb19-4c3efba5a5a5",
  "emailMd5Lower": "1105677c8d9decfa1e36a73ff5fb5531",
  "emailSha1Lower": "ba9d46a037766855efca2730031bfc5db095c654",
  "listIds": ["772823bd-b7be-4d23-bd78-96a577d02765"],
  "advertiserProperties": {
    "impressionId": "f53f6078-f802-4c98-90ca-e90aa56995ab",
    "foo": "bar"

Note: If the listener does not promptly reply with an HTTP 2xx status code we may resubmit the request later.