Traverse Container Documentation v1.3:



To use the Traverse Container, load it from the resource URL and then call the start method.

Please see the example and best practices, below.

Resource URL

The Container is hosted at the following URL:


Parameter Description Required
clientId Your 36-character client ID (includes hyphens). Yes

Start method

Initialize the Container by passing a user object to the start method.

Parameter Description Required
user A user object Yes

User object

A user object is written as a Javascript Object Literal and may contain any of the following fields:

Parameter Description Required
email Plaintext (non-hashed) email address. The Container will normalize and hash the email address client-side, and it will not be transmitted.1 Yes

Hashed Data & Security

The Container automatically handles the normalization and hashing of potentially sensitive fields. The plaintext values never leave the user’s browser. You may also set these hashes manually using the following the naming convention: {parameter name}{hash type}{original character casing}. E.g. emailMd5Upper, emailSha1Lower, etc. If you choose to do this, we require all three of Md5, Sha1, and Sha256 hashes for both upper and lower-case input values, so 6 total for each field that is passed hashed.


Using email address (preffered):

This is the most typical way to deploy. The script will normalize and hash the email address before transit.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  email: "",

Using email address hashes:

If you prefer to hash the email address yourself, you can follow this example.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  emailMd5Lower:     "8eb1b522f60d11fa897de1dc6351b7e8",
  emailMd5Upper:     "61cad946c746dae396d1eeb795c3fa30",
  emailSha1Lower:    "73ec53c4ba1747d485ae2a0d7bfafa6cda80a5a9",
  emailSha1Upper:    "a22f248ad84acf5c54dab0036bf5ebed3958fbb6",
  emailSha256Lower:  "836f82db99121b3481011f16b49dfa5fbc714a0d1b1b9f784a1ebbbf5b39577f",
  emailSha256Upper:  "540c78e61f7b5440c1a229e4ccccb651bfbbec672939f573e0870d290bfcc54e"


The script will attempt to automatically capture the email address when the user enters it into a form field, and hash it for you before transit. This option is provided for clients who need to deploy rapidly across many sites and need a universal option.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

Best practices

  1. The Container is asynchronous, so always load it from the target of a form submit, rather than on submit, or it will not have time to record the data before the user navigates to the next page!
  2. For best compatibility with your page, load the Container from the HTML body section rather than the head.
  3. To avoid affecting page-load time, load the Container from the bottom of your HTML.