Receiving Your File from Traverse

Traverse is able to deliver most files in CSV or TSV format. We prefer to send files back using presigned Amazon S3 URLs, but we can also post your file to an account on our SFTP server.


  1. Receiving a file from Amazon S3
  2. Retrieving your list from our SFTP server

S3 File Download

The best way for Traverse to deliver your file is by using a presigned URL to make the file available to download. “Presigned” means that the URL is already authenticated, so all you need to access the file is the link itself. For security and access-control reasons, all presigned links will expire after one week.

SFTP File Download

If you are not able to receive a file via Amazon S3, we are also able to deliver files via SFTP. Files will be available in the outgoing directory of your Traverse SFTP account unless otherwise indicated.