Sending Your File to Traverse

Traverse is able to receive most files in CSV or TSV format. Hosting this file on Amazon S3 works best. We can also pull your file from an SFTP or provide an SFTP account on our platform.


  1. File formatting guidelines
  2. Using an Amazon S3 file upload (preferred)
  3. Uploading your list to our SFTP server

File Formatting

Files must be in CSV or TSV format. Header rows are optional but supported. Zip and Gzip compression is supported.

Example CSV
Example TSV
99660bb599b42f2e982b0a793e99670c	402e9f64675aaa8c434a60d140f1a329e8f5e972	a7fead559ee33a9fa378ff3312d0875b41c052070e03c022c64078ed1c402109
53f84e68440893fb0653276084c7df5c	e81614f66e0cd98b97f7a6124ce9041ad70139ac	028520766f9d70b663b20e97e468c4de823b32e61448341c816e6a9e74ecde2b

S3 File Upload

Use of Amazon S3 is the preferred method for sending Traverse your files. Please provide Traverse with either a presigned URL that links to a direct download of your file, or upload it to a bucket which has been configured to allow access from Traverse.

Full instructions for sharing a file with Traverse via S3 may be found here.

SFTP File Upload

If S3 is not an option, Traverse will be able to set you up with login details for an account on our SFTP server. Unless otherwise instructed, please upload all files to the /incoming directory. All files must have unique names, so we recommend adding the date.